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Getting started with EMK

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

This page will show you around the functions of the enterprise-managed-kubernetes dashboard within Cyso Cloud.


  • Cyso Cloud Account


  • Create a Kubernetes Cluster
  • EMK Cluster overview
  • EMK Cluster details

The dashboard

Sidebar with EMK

The first part is getting to the EMK dashboard.

From the Cyso Cloud Dashboard you can find in the left sidebar the EMK service, click there on "EMK".

Opening the EMK view:

Opening the EMK view will give you a window for the first time where it creates your environment on our platform. When that is finished you will get a nice EMK overview.

Here you can create an one click Kubernetes cluster or configure one to your flavor. In the left top corner you will find the name for your EMK Project.

Here you will find the first screen to create an EMK Project. First EMK view

When you create an EMK Project you will be shown with the create cluster page. First EMK view

Creating a Managed Kubernetes Cluster

See provisioning a Kubernetes cluster for creating a cluster.

The EMK Cluster overview:

When you have created your cluster, you will find it in the EMK Cluster overview. From this point you can start various actions:

Select region

Sidebar with EMK

  1. See the details of your cluster by clicking on the name
  2. Click the “...”

    • Hibernate your cluster
    • Cluster access

      Get your kubeconfig

    • Upgrade your cluster

    • Schedule maintenance
    • Trigger reconcile
    • Rotate kubeconfig
    • Show the yaml configuration of your cluster
    • Delete your cluster

In this cluster overview example there is one cluster. I have created one that has the possibility to upgrade. That’s why there is a “^” behind the version and it is orange. If there is a minor upgrade possible it will show two “^^”. Clicking those “^^” will give the option to upgrade your cluster to a higher version.


Make sure your workload can run on the next version of Kubernetes!

Select region

EMK Cluster details

To get here, you go to the EMK Cluster overview and click on the name of one of your clusters. In this overview you see 4 different blocks.

  1. Specifications of your cluster
  2. The worker pools of your cluster
  3. The infrastructure of your cluster
  4. Logging and monitoring of your cluster

Cluster specification

Here you can find the status of your cluster, the Kubernetes version and your kubeconfig. Select region

Worker pools

Here you can view and create worker pools. In the worker pool you can find: container runtime interface (cri), machine type (Instance flavor), minimum nodes, maximum nodes, max surge of nodes at a time, the availability zones and how big each node ephemeral storage is.

Select region


Here you can find: the region where the cluster is deployed, the network type, various network CIDR’s and the shoot domain.

Select region

Logging and monitoring

Here you can find the maintenance window, hibernation window and the Grafana dashboard to see the statistics of your cluster.

Select region

Final word

In this walkthrough you have learned where to find what in the Cyso Cloud Dashboard, how to create a k8s cluster and see all the configuration details of the cluster. To access your cluster see our documentation here: How to access my EMK Cluster