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EMK - Maintenance

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

To keep our platform up to date there is from time to time maintenance. Within this maintenance we have two types of maintance that can happen to Enterprise Managed Kubernetes (EMK). These two types are:

  1. Cluster maintenance window
  2. Infastructure maintenance

Below we go in more depth about the differences.

Cluster maintenance window

Each EMK cluster has its own maintenance window. The start time of the maintenance window is randomly generated but can be changed in the settings of your cluster configuration. For more information regarding the configuration see Cluster create. During this maintenance window, EMK may schedule automated updates of which there are two types:

  1. Update the control plane of the cluster and the worker components
  2. Update the Operating System of the workers

Maintenance is only scheduled when new releases are made available or when a current release is deprecated.

For more information about Kubernetes and Machine image updates see auto updates.

New version releases

New versions are made available according to our release cycle, more information can be found at version releases.

New versions and other platform updates are communicated through our changelog.

Infrastructure maintenance

Infrastructure maintenance is important to keep things working safely and properly. Over time they need upgrades for safety or new features. Therefore there can be updates on: From time to time there are underlaying ma 1. Enterprise Managed Kubernetes (EMK) 2. Cloud regions

You can find updates about when maintenance on the above systems is happening on our status page. Check the link: Cyso Cloud status page.

Our maintenance notifications will provide details about how your cluster might be affected. Be sure to review these notifications for more information.